Residential & Commercial

Maintenance Plans

A parking lot is a busy area with constant traffic of vehicles and pedestrians. Like anything in motion, it needs maintenance to avoid wear and tear. Common issues include faded paint and debris buildup that can impact safety and appearance.

Our maintenance plans keep your parking lot safe, clean, and presentable, so you can focus on other aspects of your business.

Contact us today to discuss your parking lot maintenance requirements.

Our Maintenance Plans


Painting Plan
Once Every 3rd Year
  • Parking lot checkup
  • Parking lot report
  • Parking lot repainting


Painting Plan
Once Every 2nd Year
  • Parking lot checkup
  • Parking lot report
  • Parking lot repainting

Keep it Fresh

Painting Plan
Once A Year
  • Parking lot checkup
  • Parking lot report
  • Parking lot repainting


High Traffic Plus

Once A Year
  • Once a year we will paint any lines, stop bars, stencils, crosswalks, curbing and traffic arrows that fade below 60% from high traffic areas.
  • (great for 2 year and 3 year maintenance plans)

Keep It Clean

April - October
  • Monthly check up & report
  • Monthly curb clean up
  • Monthly grass/weeds removal
  • Monthly nail/metal sweep
  • Monthly entrance & walkway clean up
  • Monthly garbage debris clean up

Request A Maintenance Plan

Complete the form below, and we’ll contact you to set up an on-site visit for an accurate estimate.